Sacred Heart parish has nearly 2100 Catholic households with a congregation in excess of 7000 members. The three main parochial departments are church, school, and religious education/formation.
The church staff meets weekly to assess and plan a variety of parish activities and to address parish needs and requests. Parish Council meets six times annually, and serves as a consultative body of seven elected representatives to assess parish life and to recommend policy.
Day-school has grades kindergarten through eight, with a total of 425 students. Religious education classes for public grade school children are held on Monday nights Adult education programs are scheduled throughout the year.
The three parochial departments (church, school, and religious education/formation) and the five elements of the Church’s mission and ministry (institution, community, sacrament, herald, and servant) are given life and flesh in parish council, education commission, finance committee, mission commission, peace and justice commission, worship commission, PTS, boosters, scouts, young adult ministry, small faith communities, health ministry, blood bank, bowling teams, lector and communion distributor ministry, prayer chain, St. Vincent de Paul conference, ushers, lay liturgical presiders, funeral coordinators, liturgical environment ministry, gardeners, Arimatheans, wedding coordinators, summer festival committee, Marthas, collection counters, altar servers, Women Together and more.
Among the annual celebrations and observances at Sacred Heart are Parish Penance Services in Advent and Lent, First Communion Sundays in spring, Parish Summer Festival in August, Mission Cooperative Collection in Summer, and Confirmation in the late Winter, early Spring.