Parish Program
The Parish Program will be held on Monday evenings in the Sacred Heart School building from 6:30pm to 7:45pm September through May. Please refer to the calendars for specific dates.
Registration Fee:
1 Child $40
2 Children $60
3 Children $70
Each additional $5
2 Children $60
3 Children $70
Each additional $5
* For any personal circumstance requiring a waiver consideration, discounts are available. Please contact Joelle Martinez: to discuss waivers or/and adjustments.
*Registration fees can be paid online: Click Here
*MAKE CHECK PAYABLE TO: Sacred Heart Church and note that it is for REP tuition at bottom of check.
Please deliver payment to Office of Evangelization at the Sacred Heart campus, or drop payments in the Sunday collection basket in an envelope marked ATTENTION: Joelle Martinez, Office of Evangelization..
Program Handboks:
Main Contact:
Joelle Martinez, Coordinator of Religious Education
Phone: 513-858-4213.