4/3 A Message from Fr. Tharp

Dear Sacred Heart and St. Ann Parishioners and friends:

Sunday Mass for Palm Sunday will be “live streamed” from the sanctuary of Sacred Heart Church on Saturday Evening (April 4, 2020) at 5:00 p.m.   You can view the live Mass at both our Sacred Heart and St. Ann's websites by clicking on Please join us live at the following link on our home page. You can also go directly to our Youtube page Pastoral Region of Sacred Heart and St. Ann.  Please click the subscribe button once you are on our Youtube page.  You can subscribe to our pastoral region Youtube page for free.  This does not mean you have a free subscription to all other Youtube services for free!

If you miss me live at 5:00 p.m. never fear, you can watch and participate in the recorded Mass anytime thereafter by clicking on either of the parish websites.  A parishioner told me that she and her husband always go to the 10:00 a.m. Mass, so that is when they choose to watch.  The great thing is that you cannot be late for Mass as I begin when your computer tells me to. 

I will send another email blast next Wednesday or Thursday morning inviting you to watch and participate in the Holy Thursday Mass of the Lord’s Supper and the Good Friday three part Service, both from St. Ann Sanctuary if we get the equipment in time.  I will “live stream” the Easter Vigil Mass from Sacred Heart on Saturday on April 11 at 5:00 p.m. as well as posting the Easter Morning Mass on both websites as well.

More precise information to come next week!  I am excited to have the opportunity to celebrate with you in a “real time setting” as we now have the capacity to “live stream” from Sacred Heart and soon from St. Ann.

The following message directed to us by the Archdiocese.

BEWARE of Email Scams

Unfortunately, some people see this pandemic as an opportunity to take advantage of others. We have had multiple reports of fraudulent “phishing” emails, purportedly from the pastor of a parish, asking parishioners to urgently send money. Of course, close inspection of the email address reveals that the email is not actually from the pastor after all; however, in their haste to help, some parishioners do not look closely enough. Please warn your parishioners that any version of your email address other than the official one printed in your parish bulletin is not to be trusted.  


First Communion at St. Ann (scheduled for April 26) and at Sacred Heart (scheduled for May 3) are postponed and must be rescheduled since the suppression of public Mass has been extended until after the first Sunday in May.  As yet, we have no indication from Civil or Church authorities as to when the restriction on public gatherings may be lifted or whether it may be lifted gradually based on size of congregation and ability to social distance in each building.  This uncertainty has had a dramatic impact on Wedding and Funeral (Memorial) Celebrations already delayed.  Given our uncertainty as to the possible or probable date(s) by which restrictions may be eased, rescheduling is a challenge.  Please bear with us as we all face calendar changes and the scheduling nightmare together.


We now have two weeks under our belts of being prohibited from gathering for Sunday Mass in our parish churches.  We face at least five more Sundays!   But in this time when all our futures are uncertain, your loyalty to Sacred Heart and St. Ann has been unwavering.   Many of you each week have mailed to us your envelope within a mailing envelope.  Some of you have dropped off your envelope at one of the parish offices. (Remember to use the Clinton Avenue “mail slot” office door at St. Ann.)   Some have used your credit or debit card to donate choosing the “online giving” option on the parish website.  Others have arranged a weekly or monthly deduction of donation from their savings or checking account through an ACH transfer. (Automated Clearing House)   However you have chosen to do it, you have shown you extraordinary loyalty in turbulent and unsettling times.  One parishioner actually emailed me to say he had used the On-Line Giving option and had discovered how easy it is.  I can only say from the bottom of my heart and with tears in my eyes “Thank you for your loyalty to Our Lord Jesus, to both individual parishes in our pastoral region, and for the affection so wonderfully communicated to me through cards, emails, and posts to social media. 

Don’t forget that I am always available in an emergency.  I now have multicolored gloves that sometimes match my stylish mask.  I’m told that these PPEs are more to protect you from the germs I may be carrying, but I simply consider them my first and only “fashion statement.”     

More information to come next week!  May God bless you all and all those dear to you.

Your pastor in the Lord Jesus

Fr. Larry Tharp