Sunday Collections

Policy:  Additional Collections at Masses

Purpose:  To define acceptable causes for additional collections at Masses and the 

procedures for gaining approval for additional collections. This does not apply to the 

regular collection that is taken during Mass, using the envelopes provided by the Parish. 


In order for there to be a second collection before, during or after Mass, the collection must meet 

one of the following conditions: 

  1. The collection must be requested or mandated by the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. 
  2. The collection is a special second collection for one of the following designated purposes: 
    1. Respect Life (in October) 
    2. Retirement Fund for Religious Brothers and Sisters (in December) 
    3. Mission appeal when the Archdiocese provides a missionary representative to speak at weekend Masses. 
    4. St. Vincent De Paul on the fifth Sunday of months that have fifth Sundays. 
  3. Regarding collections not covered in items 1. or 2. above, a request must be made in writing four (4) weeks prior to the desired date of collection to member of Parish Council and be approved by a majority of Parish Council prior to the collection. The request must include the purpose of the collection and who will benefit, and the date on which the collection will take place. This may include attending the Parish Council meeting for additional discussion. 

 Additionally, there will be no collections at funerals or weddings. 


February 23, 2009