Come Sing at Christmas Mass! (and other weekend masses)
The Sacred Heart Music Ministry invites children/young people from 1st through high school (and adults welcome too) to sing and lead music for the Christmas Eve Mass at 3 pm, December 24, 2019 (call for mass will be at 1:45 pm. (We sing music and lead Christmas carols before this mass as well.)
Please come to at least 2 of the 5 rehearsals listed below and email or text Melody Wallace, music director, of your interest.
Christmas Rehearsal times and places:
Thursday December 12, 3 to 4:15 pm in church
Thursday December 12, 5:30 to 6:45 pm in church
Wednesday December 18, 3 to 4:15 pm in church
Thursday, December 19, 5:30 to 6:45 pm in church
Monday, December 23, 10 to 11:15 am in church
I also will record and post the music in a Google file for practice at home.
We also sing throughout the year. We are singing at the 4 pm mass on December 7 ( meet at 3:30 pm)
And the noon mass on Sunday, December 15 (meet at 11:30 am). And there is rehearsal Thursday, December 5 at 3 to 4 pm and 6 to 7 pm for these masses. Everyone is welcome. It is ok if you can’t come to this rehearsal for these masses, just let me know if you are coming.
Instrumentalists are welcome too.
Text or email me your information. Name(s), cell number, email, who is participating, which rehearsals, and anything else I should know.
Always exciting!
Melody Wallace, music director
513 237 3978