JULY COLLECTION: Kid-healthy food, Peanut Butter, Baby Food & Bars of Soap
2023 total donations of food & personal care items to Dorothys' Cupboard were approximately 16,600 items.
We appreciate the generosity of our Family, the School Community, Religious Ed, VBS and so many groups.
Praise be to God!
2024 Monthly Dorothys' Cupboard Donation Focus
January : Soup and bar soap
February: Protein, beans, tuna, lentils, canned meats (Heart Healthy)
March: Canned vegetables, bar soap
April: Personal Care: toilet paper, laundry detergent
May: Grains, rice, cereal, pasta, mac & cheese, deodorants
June: Canned fruits, laundry detergent
July: kid-healthy food, peanut butter, baby food, bars of soap