Earlier this year, Mr. Joseph Nagle, principal of Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish School for 39 years, decided to retire effective school year 2021-2022. A search committee comprised of parishioners, staff, and teachers had been chosen a year ago anticipating this probability. The opportunity was open listed as required by Archdiocesan directives, and applications of qualified candidates were welcomed. Applications received were reviewed by the committee, and by a process including the review of references, face to face interviews (socially spaced of course), and prayer, a successor has been chosen by the committee and recommended to the pastor. I am therefore pleased to announce that Mrs. Heather Wagner will assume her role as principal of Sacred Heart as soon as her responsibilities for the current school year at Mercy McAuley are concluded.
Mr. Nagle has established a tradition of excellence in administration and academic excellence here at Sacred Heart. Although I as pastor, and the teachers, students, parents, and staff will miss his steady hand on the throttle moving the school forward, his retirement is a well-deserved reward for a lifetime of service to this parish, community and to the Archdiocese as a whole. We have every trust in Mrs. Wagner’s abilities to carry on the tradition of excellence and commitment to the Catholic faith; and we are filled with optimism as her hands grasp the tiller as we sail into the possibilities of the future. May the Holy Spirit continue to bless and empower the principal, teachers, and staff of Sacred Heart School.
Congratulations, Principal Wagner!
Fr. Tharp